Spashram RiverMountain Retreat’s Silver Sands on the Ganga! "Your ideal getaway!"



Over three decades we have transformed landscape by adding approximately 1300 plants, trees and shrubs which have matured over this period and transformed the green cover in sharp contrast to surrounding properties which have removed green cover in order to build. (You may ask for details)

While we endeavor to be a role model when it comes to sustainable living, it is not possible to leave no carbon footprint when we and/or our guests stay on our ecotourism site.

When we host you, essential needs such as electricity, waste, minimum use carbolics and dish washing detergents comprise the bulk (even if in very modest amounts) of our carbon footprint.

Unlike most competing establishments, at Spashram, we..

✔ Do not use generators

✔ Do not use air conditioning to avoid generation of cfcs entering the atmosphere

✔ Do not allow electronic music and acoustics in consideration of the wildlife around us

✔ Do not use insect repellants and sprays outside our tenements and here to primarily use eco friendly sprays to the extent possible

✔ Do not use any of the sonic or other measures used by orchards to drive away monkeys and primates as this would also drive off the avian life

✔ We also deposit our non degradable waste 32 km away in the city municipal dump, unlike many local hotels

✔ Do use recycled glass bottles with spring water to the extent of approx. 50% of our drinking/cooking water consumption

✔ During the monsoons we rely on rain water entirely, using rain barrels

✔ We use a small percentage of solar lamps for emergency lighting an have used solar power for pumping water (lost due to river flooding, but are working towards this again.

✔ Have used recycled and upcycled wood, stone in the construction and flooring

✔ Installed bio toilets for camping areas

✔ Used local beach stone and sand rather than motor these up from outside the area,

✔ Used animal and human pack for site transport and avoided building a motor road into the property


Over the course of 27 years, we have, barring a few  years including the lockdown years, added significantly to the green cover each monsoon season and the planted species are named in the annexure along with the native growth.


We have also reforested adjoining barren land since 1997.


We have used bamboo (which we planted and which regenerates) as shuttering in Cliff Cottage building which avoided the motoring up of steel shuttering and all that that implies in terms of carbon footprint.